Settings: FPS counter

Configure the FPS related options used by games that don’t have specific settings for them.

  1. Toggle FPS display corner hotkey
    Determines which key will be used to change the FPS display corner, press the hotkey to alternate between the four corners of the screen or until it becomes hidden.
  2. FPS display corner
    Set the desired display corner for the FPS counter
  3. Toggle FPS background opacity hotkey
    Determines which key will be used to toggle the FPS number background opacity. It can be either opaque or transparent. Works only on Direct3D 8/9 games, on Direct3D 10 and above the FPS number background is always opaque.
  4. Update FPS overlay only once per second
    By default RadeonPro updates the FPS counter a few times per second. You can make it update the counter only once per second by checking this option.
Please note that FPS feature must not be disabled in General settings or the FPS options will be ignored.