Managing Compatibility profiles

You can create your own Compatibility profiles and use them in your game profiles. The creation is straight-forward, just enter a title for the compatibility profile, type the executable name and add it to the list as a AA compatibility or CFX compatibility profile. Please note that you won’t be able to access the CFX compatibily items on your game profiles if you don’t have a CrossfireX equipped system.

  1. AA compatibility
    Lists your current custom Anti-Aliasing Compatibility profiles
  2. CFX compatibility
    Lists your current custom CrossfireX Compatibility profiles
  3. Copy
    Copy the currently selected item to the other list
  4. Edit
    Edit the selected item properties
  5. Delete
    Delete the selected compatibility profile item
To add a new compatibility profile, enter the title (1) and type the executable name (2). To add it to the AA compatibility list, click on Add button then selected the AA compatibility option. Do the same to add the new item to the CFX compatibility by choosing CFX compatibility on Add button options list.